CHARME attrazione italiana, Abbigliamento Intimo & Corsetteria Made in Italy

Us and our products

Charme è un marchio di abbigliamento intimo, prodotto esclusivamente in Italia e distribuito da Dieffe srl, azienda specializzata nella realizzazione di articoli di corsetteria che comprendono slip, reggiseni, body, guaine, ecc...

I prodotti Charme accontentano tutte le donne, Lingerie dalle linee morbide e sofisticate contraddistinta da dettagli in pizzo che donano raffinatezza ai capi, ma non manca l'intimo basic per la routine di tutti i giorni, confortevole e sempre di tendenza. Qualità e Stile Italiano al giusto prezzo.

Our Company



Operiamo in questo settore da oltre 30 anni e il marchio Charme è il risultato di un lavoro artigianale, l'intero sviluppo dei prodotti avviene all'interno dei nostri laboratori italiani, dall'ideazione alla modellistica fino alla realizzazione del prodotto finito. Le persone sono le nostre risorse migliori.


Grazie all'ottimo rapporto qualità- prezzo i prodotti di Dieffe hanno come cliente ideale importatori, distributori, grossisti, catene specializzate, negozi online e grande distribuzione. Dieffe è in grado di offrire un servizio di "Private Label"

Collections & Brands

tra le principali linee a marchio Charme troviamo: linea ELITE: Lingerie dalle linee morbide e sofisticate contraddistinta da dettagli in pizzo linea SMOOTH: Lingerie dalle linee pulite e semplici, in tessuto micro fibra, linea SHAPING: Linea dai tessuti leggeri e confortevoli, modellano perfettamente il corpo senza comprimerlo, garantendo sostegno e valorizzando il corpo. linea MAMMABELLA:E’ una linea pensata per seguire dolcemente e naturalmente le evoluzioni del corpo delle future mamme, garantendo comfort e praticità. Creata con tessuti anallergici ed antibatterici. Oltre le linee Basic troviamo la Linea GLAMOUR e la Linea Charme YOUNG

Our Brands

CHARME INTIMO - Brand Logo 1
CHARME INTIMO - Brand Logo 2

Our Services

How we deliver products and which sales services we provide

Services We offer
Programmed Delivery
Private Label
Drop shipping


Learn more about how we can work together

Yes. Please send us (through the "Quick Contact" link in the Company section) a detailed profile of your past experiences and your current business. Please try to be as specific as possibile, providing as much information as possible.
Yes! Please have a look at the links in the lower left part of the "Company" section of this Showroom.
We are an Italian fashion company, so our products definitely come for a price, but they are the best in quality and style. These products are sought-after, really exclusive and usually manufactured in low quantities. They offer a really great value for money, but they cannot be definitely compared with the price of products coming from China or other low-cost countries. If you are interested in products costing very few tens of US dollars or less, sorry, it is likely we aren't your next supplier!
Yes. Occasionally we have some lots of overstocked products or assorted remainders from past seasons, including some second-grade merchandise. All of this stuff is sold at below-wholesale prices. Please ask for availabilities.
Please contact us through the "Quick Contact" link in the company section of this showroom, detailing where you are located and what are you interested in. Though we have several agents and distributors worldwide, we are not everywhere. In such a case we can sell wholesale directly to your retail shop. Our minimum quantities are really very low and you can purchase at better prices when sourcing directly from the manufacturer!
Our wholesale prices are already the best ones we can offers to first-time buyers placing small-medium orders. We try our best to be as competitive as possible, without sacrificing our superior quality or service. Anyway, large orders or orders related to multiple quantities of the same article can be open to some sort of negotiation.
Yes: we usually accept payments by credit card through PayPal. As an alternative we accept payment by bank transfer. All payments are always advanced.
No, our company sells wholesale only. If you contact us detailing your full address we can let you know about the nearest shop or boutique selling our fantastic products.
Usually we don't, but your direct enquire to check our current sales policy is welcome. We basically manufacture products and have no logistic facilities to provide a dropshipping service. Anyway, you can purchase from us at the lowest wholesale prices with very low or even no minimum quantities. Sourcing directly from us will give you a tremendous competitive advantage and higher profits!

Contact us

Many ways to get in touch with us

Mr. Antonio De Fata

Feel free to contact us by Email or call us .


How to reach us

Person to contact: Mr. Antonio De Fata

Call from 08:30AM to 05:00PM GMT+1
(Local time now: 12:14AM)
Monday through Friday

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